Thursday, 17 May 2007


sorrysies for not blogging yesterday... i was sick... again... -.-" the chocolates... i think it got me sick again... t.t

on another note, i might not be blogging every school day again... this is because of year 10 exams coming up and violin exam coming. I'm sure you all can survive without me blogging every school day because i'm sure that half of you don't even read my blogs everyday... ¬.¬

home room. mmmmmmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz What? morning already?

double pe. we went to some golfing area par 3 blah blah blah whatever... and we like played actual golf... i think... xD but the thing is that i didn't manage to get a good tee off... t.t that's bad... but it was good that adam didn't know how to do the scoring thing... xD

recess... hmm... nothing special... yep... nothing special... DID YOU READ WHAT I SAID?!??! I SAID NOTHING SPEC-- ow my throat... t.t

hmm... what did we have... ><" ICT. we logged onto the computers. and after a short explanation on how to put forms, we went on the computers to muck around on the forms.
english. hmm... oksies... nothing special... just read through act 4.

lunch... many people weren't there... because they had to go to room 13 at the beginning of lunch for this doorknocking thing that they're doing on sunday.

hmm... science. we were given another handout sheet to complete... or at least try to complete... xD
maths! whoo! more work -_-" xD



Anonymous said...

Did you check to make sure the chocolate wasn't expired? 0_o

tiffanytoh said...

aww.. poor chariz

hope you're feeling better^^ and you'll be getting your prezzie tomorrow!! I won't forget =.= unlike last time....

oh yesh,, and hope you're better enough for some sour stuff =P

Anonymous said...

:(....awwwww...i envy

Anonymous said...

lol, xcuse mi mixd emotions:P i hav alot of feelings:D

Anonymous said...

wishing u the best in ur skool and violin exams:D