Tuesday, 15 May 2007


home room. normally we would have year level assembly but today, we're having home room because we have a guest speaker tomorrow.

double sbm. in the common room. with the laptops. we did activity 6.


maths. a formula which we were revealed later during the day that we didn't have to do it. -_-"
english. how should i say this english class is... hmm... GOOD! =D 'cos we didn't have a teacher for like... 1/2 hr. xD and when he came, he just told us to do some work... but all we did was muck around... well... at least not getting out of the chair and making too much noise... xD

lunch. it was wet... ><" so... no table/seats. we survived. xD

pe. more orals. i still got out of doing the oral again xD... but that also means that i have to do it next friday infront of people... t.t
maths. this was when we were told that we didn't have to do whatever formula we learned. so we learned a new formula. i managed to finish all my work before the bell went so i have no homework! w00t!

senior strings. 4-6. bye!!

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