Friday, 20 April 2007


Why ain't nobody commenting??? as a result, your 'punishment' will be a very short blog... 'cos i have no encouragement of blogging... i need my encouragement you know?

taylor house assembly

double japanese. had a kanji test.


sose. continued to watch the dvd
english. we had ris instead i think...


violin lesson/maths. violin lesson took up the whole maths
science. we looked over our tests and answered questions


Anonymous said...

poor chariz. *hugs*

lol, you got no comments because we still thought you were on holiday :P

Next time, you should send an email to us saying that you're back to blogging again.

Cz said...

... i wrote in the blog before my term holiday that i'll be back in school on the 16th of april

and how am i to send an email to everyone who reads my blog if i don't know all of the people who reads my blog???

and who are you?

Anonymous said...

your big brother XD

Anonymous said...


lol, so much for me saying ill comment on every blog post =P

ill try.... again .. ^^

Cz said...

hah?!?!?! you're slacking at the computer??!?!?!

uh... yeah... when did you say that? xP