Tuesday, 24 April 2007


i'll just leave you people to figure out the previous puzzle.

morning assembly. year level meeting

double jap sac... wahh~~~ we did okay =) and then we got a form to fill out if we want to host a japanese student from july26th to august 10th. maybe at that date or maybe not.


sose. boring... it felt as if 1 hour passed by for every 1 minute... wahhH~~~ i didn't do okay >=(
english. we watched a video because mrs. burns wasn't here. it was so boring... the only time when it was fun was when it came to the commercials =)

lunch... nothing to report. good lunch.

maths. we continued on our revision.
science. we talked more about the ions and stuff like that... ><"

(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<)

too bad i can't do kirby's hat...

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