Monday, 30 April 2007

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


morning T4 home room.

english. we continued on reading the book...romeo and juliet.
maths. more questions. i left early so that i could head towards the music building.
turned out that 11am wasn't my lesson time

so... recess. me, anita, caylie and sophie were all going 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... for a reason you should know why. if not, find out tomorrow... for those who know... shh!!! wait till tomorrow! at the end of recess, we were all like "ahh!!!" 'cos of the japanese listening test

so... i guess you can guess what's next... japanese... with the listening test. meh... i got 85% ^o^
ris. in the library. that's when i found out what i got for my listening test.

lunch. nothin special... just plain old same day... except for the fact that sophie and i walked to the library because anita and caylie were there already. and as requested by caylie, she asked me to show off my typing skills. look at me go! whoo! =P

english. we continued reading and then we answered some questions.
sose. we got an assignment... again... and we were in the library. we only looked at a website though... which was what we were supposed to do.

yay! 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Friday, 27 April 2007


I think i'm gonna need to advertise my school blog on my msn personal message again -_-" but i think it's unfair... i try so hard to give you something new to read and then i don't have anything new to read... even a random comment will give me a smile... if this keeps up, probably the next time i see you, you'll see me with a sulk everytime... now i don't think you'll like that.

'nuff of that. how about we go back to school topic?? WHOO! -_-"

taylor assembly. in the morning when i came to the flynn area, i saw sooo much rubbish on one of the tables... how disgraceful senior students... so at the 'end' of our taylor morning assembly, and before the first period, we split up into 5 groups and went to collect rubbish. and here comes the unfair lecture again... -_-" maybe i'll type this up on the weekend.

double sbm. in room 4. art people went for an excursion. which means that Sophie left me behind in DOUBLE sbm T.T
i left at 10:15am for my violin lesson. went into a room to practice while waiting for the clock to finally tick to 10:30am. tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock... 10:35am he arrived. wanna know what he did? he was teaching ellen (year 12 student/prefect) just in the other music building. and then after that, he drove to middle school for a reason dunno why... neither did he... =P and then he drove back again =P

recess... the table was REALLY empty... mainly because most of the people on our table were at the art excursion. >=(

Maths... we're now on linear graphs... again... >=( hate drawing graphs... grrr...
english. spelling test. and then we worked on go grammar 3.

lunch. our table was still empty... wahh!~~
anita came later, then we went to go heat up our food because they got cold...

pe. i couldn't do my oral presentation because last night while i was doing my homework, powerpoint kept on freezing and resulting in a very slow progress in my homework... -_-" oh wait... that's a good thing =D
maths. we got more work to do... this time we get to do them on the calculator ^o^

at the end of the day, i went to the carpark and i found sophie, caylie and bree... all sitting there... >=(

Thursday, 26 April 2007

My Birthday List

5 more days! Whoo!

morning... home room

english. we read more into Romeo and Juliet
maths. we had a test. i went well.


japanese. mm... listening practice
ris. we continued on our map things


english. we continued on reading romeo and juliet and we answered some questions.
sose. more mapping.

bye... i'm bored -.-

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


forgetting to mention in my blog yesterday, today is anzac day which means no school today and thus, no blog except for this extremely short blog xP

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


i'll just leave you people to figure out the previous puzzle.

morning assembly. year level meeting

double jap sac... wahh~~~ we did okay =) and then we got a form to fill out if we want to host a japanese student from july26th to august 10th. maybe at that date or maybe not.


sose. boring... it felt as if 1 hour passed by for every 1 minute... wahhH~~~ i didn't do okay >=(
english. we watched a video because mrs. burns wasn't here. it was so boring... the only time when it was fun was when it came to the commercials =)

lunch... nothing to report. good lunch.

maths. we continued on our revision.
science. we talked more about the ions and stuff like that... ><"

(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<)

too bad i can't do kirby's hat...

Monday, 23 April 2007


mahh... i've only put half of my blog title today... and i've decided to make this blog a bit more fun and added a little 'game' in there. find out what the other half of my title is. it's like a puzzle =) have fun =D
P.S. I've made it easy for starters =)

so... after having a good weekend... i'm back at school T.T just when i was having a good sleep... t.t

ok... so now i'm back to blogging... i nearly forgot to blog altogether... i'm too used to the blogging holiday... but i guess i'm back... in school with the morning assembly as home room

9:15am and we have double pe... off we go towards the golf area somewhere in belmont/near barwon river whereever we went... i don't care! xP it was rather fun. one half played at the driving range and the other half was playing the "putt" which i hope u know what it means. i was in the driving range with sophie as my partner... which was pretty bad but it turned out good. i said it was bad because she uses a left handed club and i use a right hander. but it was good because i got the good club because there weren't any more clubs ^^

after that, i had to rush back down to my taylor area and get my violin and then rush back up for my violin lesson. why else would i get my violin for?

then, after violin lesson, i went to get my books and went to ict. i only had like... 5 mins of ict class. and then i had to go for english. we read more about the elizabethan beliefs and copied the character web that our teacher drew for us

and then after those boring classes, we had lunch! ^^ whoo! we ate lunch... obviously... and then sophie and i went to get changed.

after the fun times of lunch... we had to go and have boring science... nooo!!!! i was enjoying lunch break... >=( i don't wanna talk too much into science... because i dont' like it! =P when we finished, i forgot to take my fm -_-"
maths. we were revising for our tests on thursday. and guess what? at the end, i forgot my fm again! xP oh dear... it's not like me to be not forgetful when it comes to fms... =P
to find out, pick the first letters from here and there
figured out the 2nd half yet? because i'll tell you some hints but i'd rather let you find out.

Friday, 20 April 2007


Why ain't nobody commenting??? as a result, your 'punishment' will be a very short blog... 'cos i have no encouragement of blogging... i need my encouragement you know?

taylor house assembly

double japanese. had a kanji test.


sose. continued to watch the dvd
english. we had ris instead i think...


violin lesson/maths. violin lesson took up the whole maths
science. we looked over our tests and answered questions

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Ukele De Chocobo~

Ok i feel so frustrated that i have no comments to read at all... AT ALL! wahH!!~!~ so mean... before i went on, i didn't want to blog because i don't have any comments... =(

home room

double pe. we had oral presentations for 1 period. Then for the second period, we played golf. we played with rubber golf balls. it was squishy... it was pretty fun.

recess. we didn't do much...

ict. mr. viegas showed us this demonstration on the computer with the projector. and then we mucked around in dreamweaver.
english. we were given a handout sheet and we read 2 pages of romeo and juliet... before the play...

lunch... RAMEN!!! WHOO!

science. we just continued on our homework that we were set for yesterday.
maths. we learnt a new... formula... and we did 7C. Me, sophie and bree managed to finish all the questions that were set for use so... no maths homework!!! whoo! not that i dont' like maths but it's the book... the booook!!!

on some other note... if i dont' blog one day, expect to see either a long blog the next day or a double post........

Wednesday, 18 April 2007


hello? it feels as if no one's reading my blog now... how sad... T.T

taylor assembly again. i'm getting bored of blogging! ><"

sbm. sophie and i managed to get some work done. *sigh*
science. we did more work on atoms -_-"


sose. we went up to room 16 and then went down to 8A... we're never in room 16 these days... *sigh*
english... we were supposed to have ris but there you go... we have english. we were shown a power point presentation about shakespheare. we copied down notes.

lunch. it seemed as if we were left alone on the table... *sigh* today was actually a pretty boring day... or was it?

double ict. ahh!!! mr viegas talked for a whole lesson! ><" he likes to talk... we're now using dreamweaver to make a website... or more like to design a website. and i was emailing anita =D hehehe...

what a short blog! i'll end the school day with my mum in melbourne and my dad being out somewhere and then... i had to call and wonder why nobody was there... how annoying...

Tuesday, 17 April 2007


I need sleep... T.T

year level assembly. meh... nothin special...

double sbm. me and sophie were looking for stuff. it was pretty boring... and i was sleepy...

there goes a double of... searching... and now it's recess... uh-oh... is this going to be a very short blog? hope not...

maths. we learnt more... umm... equations and how to do it. i was mainly being asked by my friends on how to do this equation and how to do that equation... well... we were usually stuck on the same questions =P
English in the library, we were researching Shakespeare. and we were photocopying stuff about Shakespeare because we needed to show proof of research... again... and the photocopier got... "errored" so we tried to fix it because the main cause was that the paper was jammed. but for some reason... the paper... disappeared! ahh!!! so we called the librarian. but we didn't say what happened and just said that we needed more A3 paper. and she got it fixed and then got her to photocopy this particular page. "How many copies?" she asked "3" said Sophie "4" said Alex "5" said brad. hehehe "Definitely 5?" she asked because we changed the number so many times =P

lunch. some of us had to stay back because we didn't do our monologues yet. again, i was only infront of the teacher, and... sophie and bree xD when we were done, it was already halftime through lunch. me, sophie, anita, jamie, caylie, alex and satomi, a japanese exchange student went for a walk. we walked to the burrows area, through into the penman and then taylor and walked back to our table.

pe. we went to room 4 do continue on our assignments that were given before the holidays
maths. we continued on the questions that were set up for us

senior strings! whoo! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Monday, 16 April 2007

Term 2 - Day 1

Aww......... school holidays are over and i'm back to school.... with a new look... =) I ain't posting an image of me so you'll have to picture... me... if... you... can... that is...

morning assembly! taylor assembly. the teachers were talking about something about vietam trip... hmm... i'm late (in the blogging sense not the school sense!)

english. what a start! =( some people did their monologues, some did their book reviews. i tried to work on my monologue.... but didn't work out okay. a japanese girl joined our class... it seemed like she was only in our english class.
maths. we continued on our 'holiday' homework... because some people didn't finish it... some people... tsk tsk tsk...

recess... apparently... Anita likes to play with my HAIR AS WELL!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs like a headless chicken* ahem... i'm not headless...

japanese. we did some listening activities and a short kanji quiz. whoo! go us Anita!
ris. hmm... what did we do...? i forgot... oh! the letter to mrs. burns about the religious identity. most of us finished today.

lunch. i was way hungry before lunch... -_-" hmm... one piece... birthday parties... ffxii... yay~

english -_-" continual of the monologue/book review... Sophie... tsk tsk tsk... how could you? (even though you're probably not reading this =P)
sose. mrs deans wasn't here today because of the yr 12 camp. so we went to the library because the projector in the computer room wasn't fixed yet. we watched... um... ANZAC in colour i think... i duno... but something like that... and time seemed to go on for AGES! argh! but then it was time to go home. yay~