Start Of Term 1 Break
a long WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the holidays!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok i'll stop =)
morning assembly. house groups! notices read, diaries signed. after that, i had to go to the music house for something. a survey for the music tour 2008.
I headed back to room 4. we didn't do much and the computers... the back ground was grey/gray and so... we couldn't access our folders... 'cos it said "class of 2006" on our M drive... ours is supposed to say "class of 2009" that's when we graduate =) 'nuff of that
science. miss goodson just talked to us about her visit to malawi... or someplace like that =) it was interesting.
short recess... then we went to the buses for our easter service. there was singing, a scripture reading, an act, a message, singing again and we went. it took until before lunch.
we came back at about 12:40. we had lots of lunch time ^^ flynn had sausage sizzle... ¬.¬ they didn't had much sausages... unlike taylor... but i got an apple ^^
ict. we just finished our questions that we had and we went and sent it to him and then since we finished, we started to play games because we were allowed to =P but then later, the teacher needed voluenteers so we went because we finished. we delivered newsletters to classes. and then we had half an hour to spare so we just went on doing our stuff. after that we just rushed home! whoo!
BAI! It's the last blog of the term so you may wait till 16th of April which is when school starts and thus, i shall be blogging again =)
You're on holidays!!!! ...=.="....and im not t.t....but that's a different story :P ^^
hahaha, WhoooOO!!!!! HOliday!!!!
Let's all party together!!!! ^^
lets bogey!~
you're invited boaz =)
boaz is a bogey monster!!
chariz very good
very funny sam
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