Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Start Of Term 1 Break

a long WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the holidays!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok i'll stop =)

morning assembly. house groups! notices read, diaries signed. after that, i had to go to the music house for something. a survey for the music tour 2008.
I headed back to room 4. we didn't do much and the computers... the back ground was grey/gray and so... we couldn't access our folders... 'cos it said "class of 2006" on our M drive... ours is supposed to say "class of 2009" that's when we graduate =) 'nuff of that
science. miss goodson just talked to us about her visit to malawi... or someplace like that =) it was interesting.

short recess... then we went to the buses for our easter service. there was singing, a scripture reading, an act, a message, singing again and we went. it took until before lunch.

we came back at about 12:40. we had lots of lunch time ^^ flynn had sausage sizzle... ¬.¬ they didn't had much sausages... unlike taylor... but i got an apple ^^

ict. we just finished our questions that we had and we went and sent it to him and then since we finished, we started to play games because we were allowed to =P but then later, the teacher needed voluenteers so we went because we finished. we delivered newsletters to classes. and then we had half an hour to spare so we just went on doing our stuff. after that we just rushed home! whoo!

BAI! It's the last blog of the term so you may wait till 16th of April which is when school starts and thus, i shall be blogging again =)

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

So Last

th CROSS COUNTRY DAY!!! WHOO!!! In 4th place with one hundred and something points goes to...................


the day was pretty hot if you ask me.... but all is well... and we started the day with home room... i think... no... it was year level meeting... hot cross buns were given out to people who bought them. aaron had like... 3 boxes...
at the end of the assembly, i went up to the teacher to ask for the music notices. my time said 3pm but then i thought... week 6... hmm... it's week 9... so i didn't go there at all... even if i did... it was 3:15 by the time we got back from cross country.

first two periods with japanese. we got holiday homework... yay~... did i say yay? i meant yay~ =P we continued on our handouts that were given like... two weeks ago.

recess. some people ate their lunch.

sose. we just had a casual talk to the class about our cities.... when i was up with bree.................. i was folding... hehehehe

after sose... we didn't do anything. it's just our lunch time! whoo! flynn people went into room 14A for... a chat... don't ask me i'm in taylor...

after that, we went to the buses to go to... a place beside barwon river for the cross country, when we got there, the boys in middle school were running. and then later, we saw the girls. i spotted becky.... for some reason... i'm like always able to spot her

we hung around for a while and then we sat down... the sun... it was... burning... me... argh... all the boys started first then 5 minutes, the girls went. we ran for a few meters. then we started to walk =P anyway, after that, when we came to the part where the paths are crossed or something like that, the boys were already there... wah~~~ we took like... 50 minutes... mostly walking but we ran a bit. 'nuff of that, after we finished, it was time for the tug of war~ waow! taylor... wasn't very good... guys only won with flynn guys and with another that i don't remember... flynn was pretty bad though. like... when burrows and penman challanged flynn, few seconds later, tug of war finished... waow! the girls mostly lost... pitiful... but at least this shows that the girls don't work out... or at least i think... and... the guys... i'll just say that the others are just stronger than them =)

4th place we have taylor
3rd place we have penman
2nd place goes to...........................

1st place to flynn.

we got back. i took my time... i was rather tired anyway. it was hot too. but i made my way to burrows and down to the common room. i was sooooooooo tired...

bai baiz!

Monday, 26 March 2007


well.... today is the last day of school on monday 26th of feburary 2007. the next time you see that date is... well... never...

morning taylor assembly. we were in 8A and i went up to the teacher before we started and asked to see the notices because i had to go early.
i headed up to the music house. mrs. gardner was there so we had a mini talk and she told me that mr castle was sick and away on friday -_-" and... i went in and practiced... 9:15 came... i thought that i should just go back to class... pe... so i went. we played a few games of dodgeball and this weirdo kind of game. then later we went out to play soccer. we were sorta 2/3 of the way thru the game and i saw mr castle... -_-" but he said that if i wanted to have a music lesson now... i can go but i decided for it to be tomorrow. so i continued on the game.

we changed at recess

ict. we answered questions that we were supposed to answer... kinda boring now... T.T
english. we didn't do much... i had to do my... impromture... or whatever you spell it like... i don't know what to do for my monologue... ahh!~~!~

lunch... mmm... spagetti... i was talking to anita about the narutard flash show... hehehe... dah dah dah... da da da da... da da da da da da da da... da da... da da... da daa da da-- ok i'll stop...

science. miss goodson was teaching us this time. i wonder why she didn't teach us before when she came back... but we had a test and we handed in our assignments
maths. we continued on our homework that we were given and we got 2 handouts... i only managed to do 2 questions because they were so hard!!! argh!... but if i think on the good side... today was the last day of maths... or maybe that's bad... i like maths... T.T

cross country tomorrow... i still got class until before lunch =)

Friday, 23 March 2007

Casual dress day

the last school day of the week.... yay~ casual dress day... yay~ i can't spell... yay~..... hehehe

home room. we had some notes given out to people and notices read. then the teacher collected the money

double jap. mg sensei and yukari sensei were in melbourne so we had a replacement teacher. she's japanese. and yeah... xD i left at 10:15am for my violin lesson... to be more presice... i left at 10:05am. i headed up there and i didn't see his car so i just went in and started to practice. i actually practiced till 10:50. i stopped because... he didn't come... and it's time for recess... and if i had my lesson... i'll be in recess as well... hehehe

in recess... HOT!

sose. we finished our sose assignments and handed it in.
english. we finished our english essays.... oh yeah... HOT!

lunch... BOILING!

maths... those who needed to fhinish their sacs were doing it. the rest of us... we didn't have to do any work xD but later, we played a game... we didn't really want to play but the teacher said that all of us had to. -_-"
science. we were in the library. it was hot but we also didn't have to do work. we just had to continue on our assignments. we looked for an origami book. we found one thick book but since we're allowed to photocopy anything... i photocopied pages i wanted! xD

RAWR~ i'm home!

Thursday, 22 March 2007

6 more awesome days!

Ok... I wonder why I put awesome there... But it's because of this. Tomorrow, I have casual dress day again, tomorrow i have igniters =), saturday i'm going out, sunday i have church, monday and tuesdays ... aren't awesome days... wednesday... is the very last day of the TERM!!! WHOOO!!!!

home room. notices.

PE. We practiced our syncro and then we mucked around in the pool for a long time... what a good day =) here's the good part. some of the boys were bombing into the pool. and sometiems a really good 'bomb' would appear. then later, we did our syncro... our cd stuffed up... many times... lol! but we kept on going... hehehehe


ict. we continued on our ppt presentation.
english. we continued on our drafts. i actually finished my draft so i rewrote it so that it's easier to read... hehehe now i'm gonna get it checked.

lunch. our lunch seemed to have gone rather long. alex gave 5 of us 1 pizza... so we all shared... i was last because i was sick -_-" but i understand why. then later, alex came back with her "Mars bar slice" and shared it with us. mmm that was nice...

science... in a hot room T.T we did revision i sneezed that time so my nose was runny... like... really runny... T.T
maths. we continued our sacs. i checked over it. my nose wasn't as runny as the other day... then after the 30 minutes of doing our sacs (except for those who didn't do it yet) we continued on our chapter 7 questions. we were in the hot burrows room...

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

last hump day

seeing that next wednesday is when holidays start, i decided to make this wednesday the last hump day! w00t!

morning home room assembly. notices. no teacher.... hehehehe

sbm in the computer room. we continued on our work. and... sophie and i mucked around... some time in the middle.
science. we were studying about alkaine metals and why they were so reactive. then later, we were outside class looking at an experiment outside. it was so cool. an alkaine metal was droppied into water and... *POP!* what a small pop... but my eyes were tearing because... of the safety glasses and my sickness -_-" but then after another, she put two in! and... they got together and then.......... *POP!!!!!!!* that was rather big and the smoke that was produced was... big!!!

recess. hmm... one piece... hehehehe

sose. we were in the library... we went up to room 16 first but then we were in the library -_-" but then we continued on our research on our cities.
ris. more people did their orals.

lunch... mmmm... pizza... yummy... and i was tired again -_-"

double ict. we got on our computers and started to do... another ppt presentation -_-"

home!!! yay!

Tuesday, 20 March 2007


~~~~ i want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~~~~

today... year level meeting...... come to think of it... i hardly get comments from my school friends... why? because............................... i duno

in year level meeting, we had talks... teacher talk... not student talk...

after that morning assembly, we had english. we continued on our english essay.... the first draft... i'm so struggling... i don't want to english T.T ... wait a minute... that's yesterday... hehehehehehe
we had double sbm. we continued on our letterhead and business card. and also the business folders. sophie found a website on origami last time and i was looking through it. there was a panda there =3 so cute.

recess. we mostly talked about... cross country xD and how we were going to run in cross country xD hehehehehe

hmm... what did i have?... ahh!!! i can't remember T.T english... i can't remember whether it's 3rd period or 4th. but we continued on our essays.
maths. we started our sacs! my nose... the pressure... the gravity!!! ahH!~!~!~ and... you should know what happens... *sniff, sniff, sniff* all through class... =( but i survived... =)

Lunch. i started to feel sleepy...

pe. we were in the library. we... started research for our orals.... why does year 10 have lots of orals?!?!? ahH!~H!~
maths. we continued on our sacs. my nose!!! the pressure!!! the gravity!!! ahh!~!~!~ and... so does the same... i finished early but i decided to leave it for the next lesson to check over it because i didn't want to look down and do the work and have the gravity working on my nose...

senior string orchestra! waow! i felt SO tired... T.T but still... i managed to survive... and then i died... *floats* ok i'm not dead...

Monday, 19 March 2007

PTI day

so now i'm back at school for the week T.T
just when i was having fun being a couch potato watching endless episodes of one piece... hehehehe

morning assembly. we had home room first, then after that, we headed off towards the library then to the quardric area. here's the biga news!


you are probably thinking what's going on? didn't you say taylor came 2nd?

well... here's what happened. the judges added the scores wrongly. penman came 3rd with burrows 2nd. that's the reason why we were in the quardric area. mr mckeeman did a little speech then our prefects went up and did a short thanks =)

after that, we went to our class. english. when i was getting my books our of my bag... i forgot my fm again -_-" it's at home T.T
we continued on our essays
maths. we got our tests back. we continued what we were doing on friday. tomorrow i have a sac. eek~

recess. we were rather much talking about naruto and about a game that has naruto in it xD

jap. i left at 11:30 for my lesson but it turned out that it wasn't today for some reason ¬.¬ but i got a time on friday and next monday. so i came back.
ris. more orals for people who didn't do it

lunch. it's time to go home! w00t!~ since it's PTI day (Parent Teacher Interview)

yep yep... it's short... 'cos it's a short day xD

Friday, 16 March 2007

house music

what a day for it is time for house music! the last day of rehearsing the house choir music for the year ^^

ok... so we had home room this morning. then after that we had sbm until 10am for me and the taylor and penman people. we left the room and headed towards the bus and went to GPAC (Geelong Performing Arts Centre)

We got there about 10:20am. we got into our lines just inside the gpac but not inside the theatre. we did a bit more discussion on our parts and then later we went in... from the back... hehehe

we arranged the steps we were on. i was on the 1st. harmony group on the floor... in the front... hehehehehehe... we got a new action but only 1 person was supposed to do it xD
we practiced a couple of times. my foot got tired T.T

then we went out and into the "change room" or something like that and put our stuff down. (food, jumpers and blazers and sometimes bags)
we went out into the courtyard and had lunch. we watched flynn do their song.... i didn't like it... ><" no offence to flynn people... or anyother people xD
we did a little decoration on our faces. xD
penman people came out. i found bree! yay! caylie wasn't there today t.t

i can't remember much details but when we started, burrows went first starting with the house choir. they had 3 dancers.... -_-" and lots of actions
then the large ensemble. lets see... they had a saxaphone player, bass guitar, electric guitar, piano and drums.
then solo with kym dillion accompanied with gareth thomson (taylor player) on drums. i didn't find it very satisfying...
small ensemble... singers. =)

Flynn house! house choir and that pretty annoying song... T.T no offence again xD
large ensemble with brass players, drums, bass & electric guitars & singers.
solo with... errm... clarinet player.
small ensemble with Double bass and 3 singers.

Penman house. i don't know much details about this because that's when we left for our arrangements.

TAYLOR HOUSE!!! GO TAYLOR!!! RAWR!~ We~ started off with large ensemble. that is... Singers! and piano and guitars (bass & electric) and drums
then we had the drum solo. i reckon it's really good =) the drummer was Gareth Thomson =) he won the "principal award" that was like... started today... hehehehe
small ensemble with the 2 guitars and 1 guitarist was a singer too and the drums.
then HERE COMES THE HOUSE CHOIR!!! we rocked! now i know where the song Help! came from. it came from the beatles.

4th for Flynn house for house choir
3rd for Penman house for house choir
2nd place for.........


4th place for overall score for... Flynn house!
3rd place for overall score for...Burrows house!
2nd place for overall score for..........

how sad... we came 2nd =(
1st place for overall score for Penman.

when we came out we were all taking about how penman could win... and i was thinking 'if we were watching we'll know why... but we should have won!'

we headed to the buses and headed back to school then i headed to my car and then we headed back home =)

overall... what a good day! i have igniter's tonight =)

Thursday, 15 March 2007


wahh~~~ so hot!!~~

for morning assembly, we met at the taylor house area. in the science room. now i want the band again T.T one more day chariz... one more day... and that day will be the final time... yatta!

started the cold day with english... what a day! we got handouts and we wrote stuff down.
later, we had maths. now... we're doing linear relationships ^o^ well... we're not drawing graphs yet that's why i'm happy ^^

recess... i had a sore throat... since this morning but now it's gone ^^ i drank plenty of water... =) recess went till 11:30 because some people had to get times for their PTI

japanese... a test! it was a bit short because of the extended recess. but i finished it and then later... some people could do it at lunch because they didn't finish it.... and when i went to the next class, we checked our japanese sheet and i was like... "AHH!!! i didn't get this right"... that always happens -_-"
ris. more people did their orals. like about... 4-5 people.

lunch. HOT!!! sophie, bree and i went to the pool area to tell mr smith that we can't do our syncro today because people were not here and one person didn't bring their stuff. then later, bree and sophie went to finish doing their tests. i went to put my books back and get my lunch... and water... hehehehe
blah blah blah one time anita and i were left at the table. we talked about one piece and naruto xD then as soon as sophie came to the table... the others were back -_-" what good timing... 'cos it was a lot better when it was... not too noisy... xD

english... teacher was late again -_-" *sigh...* another teacher let us in. we continued on our essays... which was the work we did in the lesson before. it was so hot i could hardly concentrate... wahh~~~
sose. phew. the computer room's air conditioned =D we continued to work on our cities... again... xD

bai bai

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Hump Day!!! hehehehe

hmm... hump day... as so stated by my friend... means the middle of the week. aka... wednesday!

so what does it mean? it means that we're halfway through till the weekend xD

we met at the music area for morning assembly. we practiced our song. i found out that my hearing aid battery was pretty much... dying... -_-" but we sound so AWESOME with the band! ^^ we added some actions which i will not state incase there are some people from other houses... hehehehe nah i'll say what we do. we just bend our knees and go back up within the moment of saying "down" and then the "Please, please, help me" with the back 2 with their hands up high and the next two with the hands on the side of the face and the next 1 with their hands infront of them and the harmony with the hands below as if they're expecting something... which they are =)

then later i had sbm with sophie =) we... did stuff =D
science. by now... the batteries were really annoying ><" but we did an experiment. something about adding magnesium into hydrocloric acid and testing it's presence xD the 'pop' was so cute =3 i drew a kirby on my hand! ^^ it's so cute and i coloured in the hat

recess. RRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! hehehehehehe

Sose. we were in the library. i borrowed alex's pink highlighter so that i can colour in kirby's body and hands. we did more research on our cities. after that, i stopped. i didn't want to do anymore research so... i prepared myself for the oral for ris.
Ris... oral................................ evert, matt and bradley went first... in that order... then i went... thankfully... i remembered most of the things that happened in the book ^^

lunch. RRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

ICT. nick brought his memory stick that had mario smash brothers ^^ we worked on our assignments and then on the second period, some people were presenting their work.

i'm... playing mario smash bros! ^^

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

NOOO!~!!!! i'm back at school!

wahh~~~~ school hit me!~~~

ok that was a bit weird... hehehehe but now my head has a lump ='(

well... in the morning... while i was chatting with my friends... we were deciding where we were for the morning assembly. finally... after all that discussion, we have concluded that we were having house meetings. so i went there. 8A. after notices, we had practice. house practice. hehehe and... and... and... i was bored -.-

after that, we had double japanese. what a start of the week! =) we got our oral results back. then we split up into two groups. and... and... and... i got hungry -_-"

recess. not much to say. we were rather quiet... =) or were we... hehehe we talked about naruto... NARUTO SHIPPUDEN DIDN'T COME OUT!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!! RRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! hehehe...

Sose. we continued to work on our assignments. it seems to me that year 10 is like... fully loaded with assignments... RRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!... if you were Sophie... you'd understand what it means =)
English. We were discussing about text response and what we should and what we shouldn't do. my hearing aid batteries were dying. i reminded myself to change them when i went to my locker area while lunch came and... and... and... i forgot! =.=

Lunch. we were quiet... yes we were quiet... not like recess. xD but then Sophie and I went to the Burrows area. i checked the music bulletin and i was totally confused but i decided that i wait in class till i find out. =) then we met up with each other again. we were talking about stuff and we talked about what a kid would do if he was hit. xD pretty funny if you ask me =D

Maths! TEST! yay! there were only 3 questions! RRrrr!!! and after i finished it... 40 minutes were left and i was playing with my calculator xD puzzpack xD
Science. we were discussing about the nobel gases. wahh~~~ but then we left at 3:10 =) just to collect the reports xD

4pm. we were in room 1. supposed to be in the common room but indonesian students were there so... you get the point... but then since we were early, we moved the tables and stacked the chairs and arranged the chairs and Jess and I got the stands. and blah blah blah you don't need to know the details and it's time to go home... mmm pizza...

Friday, 9 March 2007

start of a long weekend

whooo!!!!~~ i'm home!!!
before i start my blog i have to point out something. there's the "Info of the week" on the bottom of the blog. sometimes i put info there. like... there's no school on monday because of labour day holiday and so i will not be blogging.

let's start at the time where i had house meeting. in the gym. we arranged our spots and since i'm like the shortest... i'm at the far end at the very front... -_-" but i think i'm the only one who skipped a grade. apart from starting early.
anyway, we practiced our song. then notices read out and then they collected money since it's casual dress day today.

first two periods of japanese. we went one by one for our orals. i was like soooo nervous... but then i guess there were some others who were more nervous. i think i did fine ^^ halfway through my work i was like '... why am i hungry?' and i thought of what i did this morning. 'i cooked myself lunch, changed...' and then... '.................... i forgot to eat breakfast' -_-" how weird... i actually forgot to eat... the last few days, i always had to take a bowl out to remind me to eat breakfast...

recess... hey tiffany... i ate the boost bar ^^ it was going to expire soon so i ate it xD hehehe... people said "you have a boost bar?!" and i was like "yes... " 'isn't it obvious that i have one???'

sose. we worked more on our cities. i got much more information. =)
english... wahh~~~ teacher talked, we wrote down some stuff... i don't know if i actually remember all that she talks about... ¬.¬

lunch. hmm... retreat!!! sophie, me and anita went to the canteen. we were talking a bit about naruto.

maths. we went through our revision sheet. what's more weird was that our teacher was wearing the school uniform xD so weird... hehehehe
science. we did a little activity and i left at 3 for my violin lesson.

violin lesson... there's not much to tell you... there actually is but there's no need to tell you... hehehehe...

Thursday, 8 March 2007

casual dress day tomorrow and very tiring day...

wahhH!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ I'm so tired!~ T.T
we had swimming today... our teacher told us to do 12 laps (25m pool) and guess what? i could only swim 6 xD and half of it was walking ><" i need to swim more... but i don't have a pool!!! ahh~!~!!!!~!~~~~~~~~~~ i want one T.T

our morning assembly was house meeting. we practiced our house music. we only have like 4 practices left. wahh~!~~ but now i think our house music sounds better when we're combined... xD especially with the harmony.

first two periods. swimming. people did the laps first. 3 groups. i was in the last group. as well as my friends xD after all those laps, we practiced our syncro. we only did it once because the lap swimming took up a lot of time.

recess. hmm...

ict. i played around for a while but then the teacher came up and told me to make a slide on networking so now i'm 'not finished' -.-
ris-supposed-to-be-english in the library. we did more research for our orals. i'm like a few pages away from the end of the book "The Heavenly Man" which is what i'm doing.

lunch. here's the interesting part. Taylor house was giving away free sausage/burgers for taylor people ^^ Georgia and Verity wanted some so we got another for them. then later, a guy came and shouted, "Free sausages!!! Free sausages!!!" so we were all like "Yeah! we want some!!!" and we all rushed down there. hehehehehehehe

after lunch we had science.
we did some talk and answered 1 question and drew 2 models of the atoms. we answered some questions while the teacher asked them.
in maths, we just finished our revision sheets... everyone in our group finished so Jamie went to read her book... ¬.¬ again... while the other 4 drew on each other's hands xD

Wednesday, 7 March 2007


i am practically munching through some chips that i didn't like on the first bite... but now i'm like addicted to it ><" ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

morning house meetings. our house music sounds so much better with everyone singing together... wah~~ hehehe... we went to the library and we ended up in room 8A. it's a lot more roomy and i find it much better than the library. xD

after that, i had sbm in room 4. sophie was late... because her house like... practices their house music so many times... -.-
we worked on our business folders. lots of typing to be done =) but i only like to type in free will... ><"
after sbm, we had science in the library. we did more research on what we were doing. and i came across this page on "How CHOCOLATE works" and i was like "huh? chocolate has a working thingy???" but anyway, i photocopied the pages and now i guess i'm stuck on doing them. xD

recess... what? i can't remember again xD

*chomp* after recess, sose in the library again. we did more research on our cities.... i can tell that this blog is getting very... short... hehehe
then we had english-supposed-to-be-ris. we were given some handout sheets and we talked about how to improve the way we do orals. our teacher said that boys tend to lean on something while doing thier orals and girls tned to do a little dance and i was thinking, we just shift our weight from one foot to another...

lunch. hmm... we were talking a bit about subjects... but later, we went to the area where the boys in CC and the indonesian boys played soccer.we talked about a load of stuff.................. okok i can't remember either...

then... we had double ict... getting boring...... i didn't do much... i had finished...

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

56 more days...

you're probably wondering what my countdowns are... well...
15 days till mum comes back ^^
22 days till term holiday
56 days till my bday ^^

and that's all that i can be bothered counting... xD i'm too lazy... if you can find a countdown producer... tell me so i can create more countdowns xD

i'm probably jabbering about stuff that you understand... anybody who does not understand, please own up so... i can... understand that you do not understand...
and thank you to the 4 unique people who commented ^^

anyway, we had year level meetings at the gym. notices were read out, music lessons read out, stories told... or more like story told... xD
there was one part where the teacher was calling my name... for some reason and because i couldn't hear, sophie had to nudge me to tell me that i was being called... ><" ah well... can't hear xD we had sbm for the first two periods. we copied notes and answered questions. i showed sophie the origami that i was trying to produce since last night. she picked the 2nd one that i made. hehehehe. i would upload a picture of it but... i haven't scanned it yet... you'll see it one day =) we finished a bit earlier so we just talked amongst ourselves. it was very entertaining =) i also showed sophie the book mark that i was talking about in the previous post. it now has the black fineliner pen drawn over it. it looks cool! =D at recess... i can't remember what people were talking about again xD i guess i can't be bothered remembering... but i remember hanging around the sunny table ^^ after recess... we had... maths. doing revision here... ahhH!!!~~~!~!~ don't... want... to... do... revision... must... finish... test... or... else... i'll... literally... die... and... jabber... nonsense... like... right... now................. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe... maybe i'll die of laughing... ooo scary... hehehe i'm jabbering again... i'm bored ><" after recess, we had... english! ahH!!~!~!~ !#$%^*^&()_+\=-`~]'[;{"}:/>,?^$_^)+)_+ there we go again... hehehe. we have a writing task to do... requires 1 page of handwritten work on the topics that were given to us... i don't like writing tasks but i like creative writings because you can be as creative as you want and nature can't really correct it xD but the teachers can -_-"

lunch. we hung around the shaded tree. i duno why but it was still cold... hehehe. lots of... stuff happened... and whatever! i can't remember what happened... ><" hehehe after lunch, we had pe. wah~~~ a single lesson of pe. pretty boring... we just filled out stuff... again... but we were told that on thursday, we have 1 period of practicing our syncro and then we gonna have it video taped... ><" ah well... should be fun! =D just gotta make sure that we have the cd... -_-" after pe, we had maths. we continued our revision and thanks to sophie... she reminded me that i had a violin lesson at 3... i actually forgot... hehehe anyway. my lesson was quite... pleasureable... hehehe it ended with finding out when my next lesson was... or more precisely... not having a pencil in my violin case xD i was told that we were in the common room for our senior strings. and so i went towards the common room. guess who i saw? jess. she said that she just came from the common room. and quite a mix up because judd was coming out from the common room... ahhhh!~! but we ended up in the common room =)

please fasten your seat belts as we fastforward to the time when i head home

and so comes the time of going home

Monday, 5 March 2007

23 more days to go! yatta!

wahh~~~ so many things happened today... and to tell you the truth... i don't actually want to blog everyday... sometimes it seems to be just so short... but you can bear with that can't you? xD no? too bad! it's my blog xD you have a cheeky Chariz in my midst... oh wait that's me. xD
So what's the blogspot title? (no not the blog) "Senior school... And me, myself and myself." so it's actually about senior school and me, me and me. not about you. *draws 'X' on you* xD

But back to what the blogspot title says, it's about senior school and me... and me and me. so... monday morning. house music rehearsal. i so don't like the song... can't wait till it's finished... xD

after morning assembly, i had english and maths. we had a replacement teacher so... it was boring... we were given out a handout... and i was a bit annoyed when the numbers that the questions had was... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and then on mine... it was 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. what does this prove? my teacher's not a good computer user and the paper was cut in half with the second half of the information being the same as the first....... ah well..... i finished the questions xD
some people in Burrows left because of someone visiting... and i think she's the founder of Burrows house. half of the class was in Burrows house. they came back because it was to be done later...
Maths. we did revision. and we were handed a piece of paper... of revision... and guess what? there is nothing to guess! hahahahaha what? you're laughing aren't you...? or do you have no sense of humour? hehehe you can tell that this particular blog... i'm using it to 'talk' to you... because i want comments! what if i say "I'm not going to blog unless i get at least 3 comments from other people"? and guess what? there is something to guess now. xD I'm not gonna say that 'cos i'm nice =D so would you be nice to me? pretty please with a cherry on top with extra sugar?

Recess. Anita didn't come at all... but i don't remember much about recess each day... ><"

Japanese. Chloe, a girl from year 12 showed us all her scrapbook about the trip to Japan. It was so cool! i got so into it that it was 11:40 the next time i looked at my watch. that was fast! we learnt about joining verbs... and i forgot -_-" hehehehe... so are you waiting for the next piece of "random" chat with you? ooo!!! guess what guess what guess what!... i'm hungry... -_-" and don't tell me to eat... it's 5pm and we have dinner at around 6-7:30pm *sigh...*
after japanese, we headed to RTC for this... thing... that... we had... i didn't get one word of it... xD after all... i AM hearing impaired... xD we were at the back... Sophie and I made double stars with rubber bands. hehehehehehe

Lunch. Anita was early! LoL! we talk about stuff that i can't seem to remember... argh! why?!?!

after lunch... English... we had the same replacement teacher... again... we were just finishing our questions on the handout but i finished it so i copied something onto my "plastic" bookmark. I don't know what kind of material it was so i'll just say it's "plastic" even though it's a see through type. hehehe. i copied the title of "One Piece" with the O having the straw hat pirates' skull and the 'i' having a minature Luffy on with with a simplified face. xD after that, i tried to draw but with my totally hopeless drawing skills...... i just ended up with lots of those eraser residue on the table... xD i ended up trying to make something that i had no idea of what i'm making... xD in the end... i tried to make a love heart that can have something in it.

Sose. we continued to work on our assignments. it's getting harder... can't... find... information... argh!!! at the end of the lesson... i just wrote like... 4 things... then later... we just... went home! whoo!
first time in a while... i finally have a long blog... xD with nonsense -.-"

Friday, 2 March 2007

end of a short week...

this week actually seemed as if it was so short! maybe because we had swimming.
ahh... we had house meeting.
it's gonna be short because i'm reading "The Heavenly Man" i'm already hooked onto the book. =D
double sbm. we copied notes and wrote some answers down. we also wrote some additional notes down.
maths and english. can't remember what i had first. i think it's maths. yep yep. we did some questions.
english just had grammar check and story reading
lunch. sophie and i renewed our books again and we stopped by the canteen. anita was there for some reason...
pe. we read some stuff and answered qeustions and whatever it told us to do.
maths. we tried to finish our work. 3 more questions left...
i'm off to read =)

Thursday, 1 March 2007

1 more day... ><"

today... my brain didn't seem to want to work... ahh... i need a break... i'm almost there... 27 more days to go...
we had home room first. *ahhh....*
after that, we had... english and maths. *ahhh....* in english, we read over the novel again and we wrote some stuff down...
in maths... my brain just didn't want to work ><" 3 people were having their tests, we went over how to do this and that on the calculators and we copied down more notes.
in recess, we just talked
after that, it's japanese
we're going to have a oral presentation ='( soon... i duno when...
after japanese, we had... ris. we were in the library and we started to do our research for our oral... another oral ><" hehehe
i chose Nick Vidacic or something like that surname... if you want the real name just go to his
after ris, it's lunch. we talked mostly of naruto shippuden 3 and how sakura smashed the ground... okay i guess not many people will know what i'm talking about
after lunch we had... english... we did more reading which is good 'cos if she talked... i'd fall asleep -_-"
after english, we had sose. we started researching for our city that we were going to research.
after sose, it's time to go home. yatta!
i still have the tigers on my legs xD