wahh~~~ so many things happened today... and to tell you the truth... i don't actually want to blog everyday... sometimes it seems to be just so short... but you can bear with that can't you? xD no? too bad! it's my blog xD you have a cheeky Chariz in my midst... oh wait that's me. xD
So what's the blogspot title? (no not the blog) "Senior school... And me, myself and myself." so it's actually about senior school and me, me and me. not about you. *draws 'X' on you* xD
But back to what the blogspot title says, it's about senior school and me... and me and me. so... monday morning. house music rehearsal. i so don't like the song... can't wait till it's finished... xD
after morning assembly, i had english and maths. we had a replacement teacher so... it was boring... we were given out a handout... and i was a bit annoyed when the numbers that the questions had was... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and then on mine... it was 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. what does this prove? my teacher's not a good computer user and the paper was cut in half with the second half of the information being the same as the first....... ah well..... i finished the questions xD
some people in Burrows left because of someone visiting... and i think she's the founder of Burrows house. half of the class was in Burrows house. they came back because it was to be done later...
Maths. we did revision. and we were handed a piece of paper... of revision... and guess what? there is nothing to guess! hahahahaha what? you're laughing aren't you...? or do you have no sense of humour? hehehe you can tell that this particular blog... i'm using it to 'talk' to you... because i want comments! what if i say "I'm not going to blog unless i get at least 3 comments from other people"? and guess what? there is something to guess now. xD I'm not gonna say that 'cos i'm nice =D so would you be nice to me? pretty please with a cherry on top with extra sugar?
Recess. Anita didn't come at all... but i don't remember much about recess each day... ><"
Japanese. Chloe, a girl from year 12 showed us all her scrapbook about the trip to Japan. It was so cool! i got so into it that it was 11:40 the next time i looked at my watch. that was fast! we learnt about joining verbs... and i forgot -_-" hehehehe... so are you waiting for the next piece of "random" chat with you? ooo!!! guess what guess what guess what!... i'm hungry... -_-" and don't tell me to eat... it's 5pm and we have dinner at around 6-7:30pm *sigh...*
after japanese, we headed to RTC for this... thing... that... we had... i didn't get one word of it... xD after all... i AM hearing impaired... xD we were at the back... Sophie and I made double stars with rubber bands. hehehehehehe
Lunch. Anita was early! LoL! we talk about stuff that i can't seem to remember... argh! why?!?!
after lunch... English... we had the same replacement teacher... again... we were just finishing our questions on the handout but i finished it so i copied something onto my "plastic" bookmark. I don't know what kind of material it was so i'll just say it's "plastic" even though it's a see through type. hehehe. i copied the title of "One Piece" with the O having the straw hat pirates' skull and the 'i' having a minature Luffy on with with a simplified face. xD after that, i tried to draw but with my totally hopeless drawing skills...... i just ended up with lots of those eraser residue on the table... xD i ended up trying to make something that i had no idea of what i'm making... xD in the end... i tried to make a love heart that can have something in it.
Sose. we continued to work on our assignments. it's getting harder... can't... find... information... argh!!! at the end of the lesson... i just wrote like... 4 things... then later... we just... went home! whoo!
first time in a while... i finally have a long blog... xD with nonsense -.-"