Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Welcome to the year of 2008

hey hey! whassup everybody? how you all coping with me not blogging for... how many months... 7?

anyway, back in school already and now i'm in year 11 -__- the pressure is so hard and i hardly get much time to practice violin *except for the part where i end up playing computer because it's too late to practice violin due to some li'l kiddes next door *i think they're li'l kiddies* who would probably have to sleep early* anyway! put that aside, i didn't really blog for semester 2 last year 'cos i couldn't be bothered xD well... don't expect me to be blogging everyday though xD

i started school on the 29th of January. well... we were meant to have a commencement service in Barrabool hills church *i think that's what it's called* but it's under renovations so... we had to have 3 separate commencement service in the gym. it was okay but i found it boring -__-

oh ya oh ya! my subjects are...... English -__- year 12 Further maths ^O^ Chemistry O_o Biology o_O Japanese 0_0 and year 12 IT =D
it's all what i wanted except i'm like... the only girl in IT 'cos i'm too smart for the year 11 IT xD it's not too bad since i have some friends in IT too =S

english is...... I HATE IT! i just don't... all the research... the analysis... the weird novels... it's all weird! T_T we're reading a book called "Night" by Elie Wiesel. Ever heard of the book? no? that's why it's weird!!

nuff about english! let's get to further maths! =DD it's awesome! well... we're pretty much doing statistics now so ... not very awesome... yet... until we get to trigonometry xD me loves trig <3 now i find out what Standard Deviation really is xD and when it's used =P there isn't really much to talk about f.maths yet... xD

Chemistry is... well... okay. did i tell ya'll about what i want to do in uni? no? i'll tell you anyway. i want to be a chiropractor but the thing is... when i searched on the course for chiropractic, i have to do chemistry but what does chiropractic have to do with chemistry?? O_o (chiropractic is a doctor that works on people's spines if u don't know) but seriously... all the atoms... has to do what with chiro?? we're learning about atoms xD

Biology is all about cells! you might say "ewwwwww!!!" but we're still on plant cells xD so it's not too bad =P it's so cool! we saw a live organism under a light microscope too! it was... transparent... and cool... and transparent..... did i say it was cool?

Japanese. harder than ever... and turns out i can't go to japan T_T but i'll still aim to go to japan after uni xD

well... apart from all those school subs that i'm doing, i got a Taylor house badge^^ i was quite surprised when i heard my name get called out xDD and it's soo cool! i'll take a photo one day... one day... xD

we had the prefect investure yesterday. and senior strings. i'm in first violin again^^ and i have a new violin teacher which i can't really evaluate... yet... but he's pretty 'loud' on his violin xD it hurts my ears sometimes T_T but... at least i have a good teacher xD

lets see... what else is there to talk about...... i've got the top locker now xD and anything else i could say in this blog is not remembered at the moment... maybe i'll blog it when i remember xD