Tuesday, 24 July 2007

extra long day...

hmm... me, myself and myself.... now how many times have i used the word 'me'?

technically... 1

and if you were to spell the numbers, like one, two, three, etc., what number will you be by the time you get the letter 'a'?

hmm... i wonder if they'll ask that in the maths competition tomorrow... that's right... i'm in the maths competition... and i didn't even know that until sophie told me...

upcoming events for tomorrow...................................................... photos........................................ and maths competition...................................................and other things that i don't know now................ =.="

so! what did i have first... morning year level assembly... we left early to go to Genesis for cycling with the stationary bikes... but some other group was using it so we didn't do it... instead, we did a little warm up and then worked out with the work-out machines... or whatever... i don't wanna get into too much details about it because i'll end up embarrassing myself... =.=" then we went back at the end of the double.

recess... well... nothing much...

japanese... mg-sensei came back...... well i'm not saying it's bad... i'm saying it's good because she remembers to wear the fm... but in a way it's bad because... well... lets just say she's not very good with technical stuff.............
english... in the library to research something in the 1930s related to the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird"... i did ask before what a mocking bird is... either i didn't get any comments for the previous post or i didn't check the latest... >=(

lunch... hmm........... oh yeah... yesterday... i didn't get a spoon to eat my lunch so it's a good thing that the yogurt van comes by every monday ... 'cos i could ask for a spoon there... xD but it was tiny!!!

DOUBLE maths... too bad i don't have double day.... where i have doubles in subjects... only a double in the morning and the end... well... revision... and we finished by the first period so the 2nd period, we... did some drawing... xD i managed to finish copying Sakura from Naruto for a poster that we're making for japanese... now i need to use the fineliner, line the whole thing, do some shadings, colour it if necessary, and write at least 10 lines describing what they're wearing...

and after that, senior strings... wahH!!! xD

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

2nd shot

today is the day when the girls get the 2nd shot of vaccination. we spent 1 hour and 40 minutes there because there were lots of girls there.

i didn't blog yesterday because i forgot and i'm lazy... ok? that means i won't be regularly blogging anymore... xD

textiles... we got almost a whole lesson listening... i got sidetracked most of the time because i've done textiles since year 7 so yes... sidetracked i was...
after textiles, we went to room 12 to put our books down and headed off to the common room. we wasted 1 hour and 40 minutes there... "You made me waste 1 hour and 40 minutes of my life and now i want it back!...."
when we came out, recess was already over so we headed off to our pe/health class. we went over a bit from the booklet and blah blah blah... xD
and then... english... we re-read 'To Kill A Mockingbird"... what exactly is a mockingbird? xD

lunch... hmm... oh yeah... the school bells aren't working so a guy has to go and sound the horn in the middle of the school when it's time for the bell to go... and you get what i mean... xD

double japanese... we went over what we did last term and wrote sentences... in nihongo... (japanese) xD and then since i finished first, i got a bar of chocolate! xD and then we started to make a poster and after we make the poster, we have to describe what they're wearing... in nihongo. i had decided to draw......... ITACHI! xD hehehe...